Quality and Safety

The Digestive Health Centre is committed to Quality and Safety and to providing the Best Possible Digestive Health Care. This is documented in our Quality Policy and our Child Safe Policy.

The Digestive Health Centre voluntarily participates in Certification through ISO 9001 : 2016.

ISO Certification ensure the very Highest Quality is maintained and independently audited to meet internationally recognised standards. JAS-ANZ accreditation demonstrates that we are meeting the highest levels of professionalism.

The Digestive Health Centre has a comprehensive infection prevention and control program in place. Our facility and staff are regularly audited for compliance with the National Infection Prevention and Control Standards for reprocessing of reusable instruments and the Australian Commission of Safety and Quality in Healthcare (ACSQHC) National Safety and Quality Health Services Standards (NSQHS).

Detailed information specific to consumers, on the way in which we manage our Safety and Quality is available under the Patient Information section

Open Disclosure

It is a legal obligation under the Victorian Charter of Human Rights & Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic) for public entities (including public health services) to discuss adverse events with the affected patient and/or their family/carer.

In March 2013 the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care published the Australian Open Disclosure Framework to provide a nationally consistent basis for communication following unexpected healthcare outcomes and harm. The framework replaces the former Open Disclosure Standard endorsed at the Australian Health Ministers Conference in July 2003.

All Staff at The Digestive Health Centre are educated in and will practice in accordance with the Australian Open Disclosure Framework. The Open Disclosure Frameworks Short Course available from the Department of Health forms part of the DHC’s Yearly Education Schedule see document HR-001-F011.